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2011.09.02(Fri) 渋谷CYCLONE

Sugarless Infant / leadfoot / UNDER TRIPPER / プログラムハッチ / and more...
OPEN 18:00 / START 18:30 / ADV \1800 / DOOR \2100

2011.09.13(Tue) 稲毛K's Dream

Sugarless Infant / REBIRTH / Core Rhyme / ROUTE$((神戸) / Kinamona
OPEN 18:00 / START 18:30 / ADV \1500 / DOOR \1800

2011.10.10(Mon) 新宿OREBAKO

Sugarless Infant / and more...
OPEN 18:00 / START 18:30 / ADV \1800 / DOOR \2100

2011.11.13(Sun) 渋谷O-WEST 

Sugarless Infant / and more...
OPEN 16:00 / START 16:30 / ADV \2000 / DOOR \2500

2011.11.23(Wed) 新宿JAM 

Sugarless Infant / 猫とマシンガン / and more...
OPEN --:-- / START --:-- / ADV \---- / DOOR \----